Dhofar celebrates International Day for the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing 2023

Salalah: The Directorate General of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources in Dhofar Governorate celebrated the “International Day to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing,” which falls on June 5 of each year.

The celebration included a lecture by Eng. Musallam bin Salem Raafit, Assistant Director General of Fisheries at the Directorate General of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources in Dhofar Governorate, in which he touched on the Port State Measures Agreement to Prevent Illegal Fishing without Reporting and Regulation, which aims to prevent illegal fishing vessels from using Ports and benefit from their services.

The lecture also dealt with the role of the Sultanate of Oman in activating and implementing the international agreement, as the Sultanate is one of the first countries in the Near East region to ratify the agreement and took the initiative to accede to it since April 28, 2013 in order to contribute to reducing and combating illegal fishing without reporting and regulation that limits Sustainability of fish resources, which the Sultanate of Oman attaches great importance to, as the port of Salalah, the commercial port of Duqm and the fishing port of Duqm have been designated as specific ports under the agreement to receive foreign fishing vessels.

It is worth noting that during the meeting of the parties to the Fourth Port State Measures Agreement for the Indonesian city of Bali, Engineer Musallam bin Salem Raafit was chosen as second vice-chairman of the meeting of the parties for the Near East region for the period from 2023 to 2025.

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