Dhofar Holy Quran Forum concludes

Salalah: The General Directorate of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Dhofar Governorate celebrated today the conclusion of the 2023 Dhofar Holy Qur’an Forum at the Sultan Qaboos Youth Complex for Culture and Entertainment in Salalah.

The ceremony was sponsored by His Highness Sayyid Marwan bin Turki Al Said, Governor of Dhofar, who honored the winners of the Al Multaqa competition for memorizing the Holy Qur’an, the members of the evaluation committee, and the contributors to the organization.

Ahmed bin Ali Al Busaidi, Director General of the General Directorate of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Dhofar Governorate, pointed out that this year’s Dhofar Holy Qur’an Forum is one of the fruits and results of making an annual plan for Holy Qur’an schools, which today has reached 17 schools at the level of Dhofar Governorate.

He indicated that the number of students enrolled in these schools this year reached 5,500 male and female students of various ages, an increase of 35 percent compared to last year. The Director General of Dhofar Endowments explained that this year’s forum aimed to develop the competence of student memorizers of the Holy Qur’an, raise their level, and document and sustain programs for memorizing and interpreting the Holy Qur’an.

The ceremony included a visual presentation about the forum, in addition to an operetta entitled “Contemplating the Holy Qur’an,” and a paragraph announcing the results of the competition, which included four levels: the first level, memorizing 30 parts, the second level, memorizing 25 parts, the third level, 20 parts, and the fourth level, memorizing 15 parts. .

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