Dhofar Laboratories is one of the institutions specialized in food safety and quality

Salalah: “Dhofar Laboratories” works to protect public health and ensure health safety and the quality of handled foodstuffs and water, by conducting laboratory analyzes on water samples and imported and locally produced food under the supervision of the Food Safety and Quality Center.

Yusuf bin Muhammad bin Bakhit Saffrar, Director General of the laboratory, said that “Dhofar Laboratories” was established in January 2023 and it is an Omani company, as the laboratory works to provide a number of services, including the analysis of many foodstuffs, whether chemically or microbiologically, and the evaluation of the quality of foodstuffs and their validity.

According to national or international standards, in addition to providing scientific advice to food production factories to improve product quality, and contributing to solving problems that accompany food production and providing solutions to them.

He indicated that the laboratory includes a qualified, trained and highly qualified technical staff of specialists in microbiology and food chemistry, indicating that the laboratory deals with all food products in the products of food factories, agricultural crop products and drinking water factories.

It is noteworthy that one of the objectives of the laboratory is to keep pace with the strategy of Oman Vision 2040, by ensuring the sustainability of food security and food quality safety in markets and companies by analyzing the highest quality standards for Omani and international specifications and standards.

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