Dhofar Municipality launches logo of Ironman 70.3 in preparation for the activities of Dhofar Serbs 2023

Salalah: The Dhofar Municipality inaugurated the slogan of the Ironman 70.3 Championship in its second edition, which the municipality will organize in the Dhofar Governorate during the Serbs season this year, in partnership with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism and a number of government agencies and private sector institutions.

Dr. Ahmed bin Mohsen Al Ghassani, Head of Dhofar Municipality, said: The Championship will start on Serbs season on September, during 21-23 of the same month.

His Excellency indicated that the aim of organizing such Championship is to activate the sports and cultural tourism movement in the Dhofar Governorate, stressing the importance of this event in promoting the tourism and cultural potentials and capabilities of the Sultanate of Oman, especially the Dhofar Governorate, through many different activities and events.

The attention of the participants and visitors in this race, which enjoys an important participation from the champions of this sport and a great follow-up around the world, is directed to holding this event in a wonderful competitive atmosphere that provides an ideal opportunity to introduce the tourism and aesthetic elements of the governorate, in addition to enabling companies, owners of small and medium enterprises, and productive families to interact and benefit. of this global event.

The activities of this event include joint sports exercises before the race, a race for children, and a race village that includes many tourist and recreational activities, in addition to the main event that ends on September 23, which is the Ironman 70.3 race, which is a triathlon race for a distance of 113 kilometers in several activities, namely: Swimming , cycling, and running. This event is part of a package of events and activities that will be implemented by the Dhofar Municipality in the 2023 Serbian season.

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