Dhofar Serb festival begins in Rakhyut

Rakhyut: The Dhofar Serb 2023 activities were launched today in the state of Rakhyut, organized by the Municipality of Dhofar in cooperation with the Office of the Governor of Rakhyut, and with the participation of a number of government and private agencies as part of the municipality’s efforts to enhance the economic and tourism aspects and create a space for entertainment and cultural communication.

The events will be held on two days of each week (Thursday and Friday) throughout the month of October, in the city center in Rakhyut Province, and include a number of different activities that suit all segments of society and visitors.

Ammar bin Obed Ghawas, Director of the Department of Events and Awareness in the Municipality of Dhofar, said: The Dhofar Serb 2023 events in the state of Rakhyut will include a number of activities that embody various environments and heritage life, and the establishment of dazzling and laser shows, in addition to a number of cultural, recreational, family, sports and artistic activities, evenings and competitions represented in the city’s event. Educational activities, flying over water, excursion boats, a traveling carnival, and the Adventure World “Tele Match” event.

He stressed that the activities of the Dhofar Serbs in the state of Rakhyut highlight the depth of originality and cultural heritage of the Sultanate of Oman, in addition to the interest in small and medium enterprises through the holding of the Productive Families Exhibition and the Crafts Exhibition, in addition to the open cinema event, sports competitions, and the Rakhyut Park Theater event.

The Director of the Department of Events and Awareness in the Municipality of Dhofar explained that the activities of the Serbs of Dhofar come within a plan aimed at expanding the scope of activities in the different seasons to include all the states of the governorate by holding activities that suit each season of the states of the Dhofar Governorate. It should be noted that the Dhofar Serb events began at the beginning of last September, and included the Salalah Tour cycling race and the Dhofar Municipality Ironman Championship, in addition to the “Spartan” endurance race.

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