Dual carriageway from Muscat Expressway to Oman Botanical Garden

Muscat: Intending to ensure smooth flow of traffic in different weather conditions, Muscat Municipality to construct a dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction, from Muscat Expressway to Oman Botanical Garden in al-Khoudh. Read more:

Upgrading the Entrance Leading to the Oman Botanical Garden in al-Khuodh

Current state:

There is a one-way street connects Muscat highway with the old area in al-Khoudh. It is prone to mountain collapses and affected by runoff waters.

After implementation:

Construction of a dual carriageway with high standards, efficient and safe traffic smooth in various climatic conditions. Muscat Municipality has put forward a project to expand and develop the entrance leading to the Oman Botanical Garden in al-Khuodh.

Project components:

Construction of a dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction, starting from Muscat Expressway to the Oman Botanic Garden in al-Khoudh, that is (1.4) km long and (3.65) meters wide for each lane.

Construction of a 900-meter-long service street.

Construction of a pedestrian walkway adjacent to the road (800) meters long and a (1.5) meters wide on both sides of the road.

Building (5) box culverts.

Construction of a 300-meter-long closed canal to drain surface water.

Implementing necessary protections.

Project objectives:

Increasing the efficiency of traffic flow.

Serving the Oman Botanical Garden project and the surrounding areas.

Enhancing the tourist, commercial and social mobility in the region.

Opening future prospects for urban growth and investments in the region.

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