Energy and Minerals Forum kicks off in Dhofar

Salalah: An increase of 11 percent was registered in the total revenues of the minerals sector during 2022 compared to 2021, according to the date of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.

The total sales value of mineral ores (metallic and non-metallic) amounted to about RO 98 and the total production of mineral ores (metallic and non-metallic) amounted to about 63 million tons. Meanwhile, the volume of sales of building materials in the local market amounted to about 16 million tons, which is fully proportional to the local demand for building materials in 2022.

These figures were unveiled during the activities of the Energy and Minerals Forum, which began in Salalah today under the patronage of HH Sayyid Marwan Turki Al Said, Governor of Dhofar.

Mohsen Hamad Al Hadrami, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals gave a speech during which he pointed out that the forum mainly discusses the minerals sector in the Sultanate of Oman and Dhofar Governorate in particular. It also introduces the participants to the hydrogen sector and the most important projects supervised by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, and the energy sector’s preparations for the Khareef Season of 2023, he added.

The forum included a presentation on mining in the Sultanate of Oman, which dealt with the historical and geographical dimension of minerals, the geology of the Sultanate of Oman, and the most important minerals in Oman.

Another presentation was given on investment in the mineral sector, which touched on the new mechanisms for investment in the sector, represented in the concession areas and public sites.

Meanwhile, OQ Group gave a presentation on the group’s preparations for the Khareef Season 2023.  – ONA

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