Environmental Protection Program launched in Al Jabal Al Akhdar

Jabal Al-Akhdar: The Environment Authority, represented by the Environment Department in Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate, launched today the “Environmental Protectors” program in its second season in the Wilayat of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, coinciding with the start of the tourist season.

This comes to raise the level of environmental awareness for citizens and tourists, and to monitor violations to maintain a clean and sustainable environment in the state of Al Jabal Al Akhdar.

Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al Shaqsi, Head of the Environmental Monitoring Department at the Environment Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate, said: The implementation of this program in its second edition comes after the success it achieved in the first edition last year with the aim of protecting environmental diversity and perennial wild trees, emphasizing the importance of preserving the environment and not cutting down trees and ensuring not to throw waste randomly, in addition to several other measures related to the management of the Green Mountain Reserve for landscapes.

He explained that the level of awareness that the team of citizens touched in the first edition of the program last year had increased, and their level of awareness of the shared responsibility in preserving our beautiful environment and preserving the distinctive vocabulary in the Green Mountain state, wishing concerted efforts and cooperation of all to preserve the environment and preserve its natural resources.

He added that the Department of Environment in the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah seeks to educate citizens and tourists about the effects resulting from wrong environmental behaviors and practices in order to raise and strengthen social responsibility with the need to preserve wildlife and perennial wild trees such as al-Alan and al-Atm, and to reduce the phenomenon of burning perennial trees by limiting the operations of grilling under these trees. This is done by a field team for monitoring and inspection in a number of tourist sites in Jabal al-Akhdar.

It is worth noting that this initiative first seeks to raise the level of awareness among individuals, citizens and residents, that Al Jabal Al Akhdar is one of the most popular local destinations for domestic tourism, and there is an effective partnership between government agencies and private sector institutions in order to attract many activities and services in this state.

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