Farmers in Al Jabal Al Akhdar prepare to harvest olives

Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar:  Farmers in the Wilayat of Al Jabal Al Akhdar in Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate are preparing during the coming month of September 2023 for the olive harvest season, which lasts until November of each year, as this year’s production is expected to be better than the last season due to the rains that accompanied it. From the beginning of the fruits to maturity as well as the abundance of water in the state.

Omair bin Muhammad Al-Fahdi, Head of the Agricultural Development and Water Resources Department at the Department of Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources in the Wilayat of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar in Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate, explained that the number of olive trees in the state reaches more than 20,000 trees, according to the latest statistics, as the quantities of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar olive oil produced during the last season reached 2022 more than 80 tons, representing 8 thousand liters  of olive oil, and the value of its sales amounted to more than 160 thousand Omani riyals, indicating that the average price of a liter of green mountain olive oil amounted to OMR 20, and the product is packed in Glass containers with a capacity of 500 ml and 250 ml, prepared for consumption and marketing.

He added that the Department of Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources in the state is guiding farmers to follow the most important methods that contribute to the production of olive fruits and how to preserve them from agricultural pests that affect olive trees and ways to combat them. Olives for the production of oil, pickling or dual-purpose, as well as the development of lands for olive cultivation.

He pointed out that the olive harvest season in the state of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar constitutes an economic return for farmers. As the largest percentage of olive fruits in the state is extracted from pure virgin oil, which is preferred by the consumer over other oils, being virgin from the first pressing and produced through two mills managed by Omani hands that have experience and competence in pressing and producing green mountain olives.

Omair bin Muhammad Al-Fahdi, Head of the Agricultural Development and Water Resources Department, stressed that the olive harvest season in the state of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar is one of the seasons that gives the state more diversity of the tourism product to add to the elements of recreational tourism, adventure tourism, natural and heritage tourism. Since visitors to Al Jabal Al Akhdar at this time of the year can learn about the season of Al Jabal Al Akhdar olives being harvested.

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