Fifth Izki Folklore Forum kicks off

Izki: The Izki Cultural Center organized the fifth Izki Forum for Folklore, which reflects the importance of adhering to the Omani folklore and its impact on various occasions. The governorates of the Sultanate of Oman, which vary according to the geography of the place, between the plain, the mountains, the sea and the desert.

The forum comes as part of the interest in the Omani traditional heritage represented in the sung traditional Omani arts that represent originality and heritage, mixed with the voice of Al Kasir and Al Rahmani, in harmony with the artistic sense of the collective performance of the various folk arts groups in the governorates of the Sultanate of Oman.

Hussain bin Ali Al-Mandhari of the Izki Folklore Ensemble says: This forum is in its fifth edition due to its importance and objectives, which seeks to preserve the Omani traditional legacies through it, endear the youth with it, and create creative cultural climates that contribute to the promotion of culture and arts among members of society, and disseminate and disseminate them. Artistic culture by organizing these forums.

He added that many Omani poets participated in Nabati poetry and field art, in addition to the participation of Jalan Stars teams from the South Al Sharqiyah governorate in Al- Madima art, in addition to the Omani Al-Azi art, which represents an essential part of the Omani cultural heritage, which was presented by the Izki Folklore Ensemble.

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