First Duqm Economic Forum on 16th October 2023


Duqm: The Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD) will organize the first Duqm Economic Forum on 16 October 2023 with the prime aim of highlighting major investment opportunities available in Al Wusta Governorate, which is undergoing rapid economic and urban growth.

The event will be organised by the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ) and other government departments to attract more investments to the SEZAD.

The forum will discuss many issues related to investment at the SEZAD, most notably investments in green industries, renewable energy projects and other industries.

The forum will also highlight opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with scopes for SMEs signing a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding.

The forum will allow investors to closely view economic projects in the zone, learn about investment opportunities and explore possible areas of partnership.

The event is expected to bring together major local and international companies that will showcase their capabilities, key projects and experiences in economic spheres. It is noteworthy that the SEZAD has recently emerged on the global map as a hub for renewable energy projects, green hydrogen and green iron .

The SEZAD currently includes a variety of investment projects with an investment volume of about RO 3.6 billion.

Outstanding projects in the zone include Duqm Refinery, Ras Markaz Oil Storage Terminal, the Dry Dock for ship repair, the Integrated Power and Water Station and many projects in industrial, tourism, commercial, real estate development, transportation and logistics sectors.

The zone also boasts an integrated network of logistic facilities that include Duqm Airport, Duqm Port and a multi-purpose fishing port.

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