First phase of ‘Manjam Labs’ project kicks off

Muscat: The first phase of a project named “Manjam Labs” kicked off today with the aim of streamlining government service procedures.

The project is undertaken in cooperation between the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology and Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit, in addition to other departments concerned.

The opening session was held at Oman Oil Institute at Sultan Qaboos University.

The project, which stems from the principle of achieving common interests of all, will continue until March 2023. It constitutes part of the executive plan of the government digital transformation programme (2021-2025), which aims at facilitating access to services and meeting the aspirations of users.

The initiative targets more than 1,000 services within the government’s digital transformation programme. The participants will discuss three approved workflows, the business cycle and employment process procedures.

The project sees the participation of more than 300 experts representing government and private stakeholders from various commercial, industrial and service sectors, municipalities and government institutions.

It deals with re-engineering the steps of service supply, specifically with the aim of improving them and presenting them in an innovative manner that ensures speed and efficiency in serving beneficiaries.

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