Five fish farming farms in North Al Batinah Governorate

Sohar:  Fish farming projects are one of the food security projects in the North Al Batinah Governorate, through five fish farming farms in the governorate supported by the Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources.

There are also other private projects owned by citizens, distributed across the various wilayats of the governorate.

Eng. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Haddabi, Director General of the General Directorate of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources in North Al Batinah, said: Investment in fish farming projects is one of the sources of food security, as these projects receive technical follow-up by specialists in the Directorate’s Department of Fisheries Wealth and specialists in the Ministry, adding that there are Five fish farming projects, some of which are licensed and others are being licensed in accordance with the requirements specified in the regulations for aquaculture and quality control, distributed among the states of the governorate, so that the area of ​​the farming project does not exceed 10% of the total area of ​​farmed agricultural land, based on what is stipulated in the regulations governing fish farming, with The availability of 15 culture tanks in each fish farm, and the presence of other facilities in each project that contribute to improving the farming process according to sound scientific foundations.

He pointed out that specialists in the Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources are following up on these projects and providing technical support, in addition to carrying out periodic visits to these farms and following up aspects of nutrition, and the extent to which the aquaculture ponds meet the specifications consistent with the safety of the fish and their freedom from diseases and pests, and conducting water tests and taking samples of the farmed fish. And examine it and ensure its suitability for human use.

Al-Haddabi explained that there are other methods in fish farming projects in terms of the components of the culture ponds, as there is a special project in one of the culture farms in the state of Sohar based on lined earthen ponds, which is an inexpensive type, with a way to drain the pond water and replace it according to a work methodology that helps reduce the cost. Production and other expenses in preparing fish farming ponds.

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