Forum on Institutional Work Environment Kicks off in Dhofar

Salalah: A forum titled “Promoting the culture of an institutional work environment” kicked off today in the Wilayat of Salalah, Governorate of Dhofar.

The two-day event is organized by the Omani Society for Human Resources Management in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour. The opening ceremony was held under the auspices of HH Sayyid Marwan Turki Al Said, Governor of Dhofar.

Faisal Hamoud Al Siyabi, CEO of the Omani Society for Human Resources Management, said in a speech that the forum focuses on enhancing work culture in institutions, encouraging employees to develop a trend of positiveness in the workplace and defining a common vision that promotes creativity and innovation at work.

Eight working papers were presented upon the outset of the forum. The first one elaborated on the National Strategy for Human Resources. The second focused on how to motivate employees to develop a positive work culture. The third working paper laid emphasis on promoting a positive work culture by using technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The fourth paper envisaged models of “leadership through culture”. The fifth working paper demonstrated the significance of consolidating work culture in government and private establishments. The sixth paper underscored the importance of defining goals and a joint vision on developing work culture. The seventh workshop dealt with proper methods of managing the human capital. The eighth working paper introduced the model of an employee’s digital practice and its role in fostering the culture of institutional performance.

The forum’s opening programme also included a dialogue session on enhancing institutional work culture. It was attended by government officials and specialists in the field. -ONA

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