Fourth Edition of National Programme ‘Eidaad’ launched in Oman

Muscat:  The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation today inaugurated the fourth round of the national programme for training university students “Eidaad”.

The programme, based at Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), seeks to enhance cooperation and integration among the sector of higher education, the industry sector and the private sector. Its objectives include linking higher education with the labour market and providing training opportunities for university students.

The programme targets students attending the second last year at government and private higher education institutions.

Besides raising the standard of education and training, the programme bridges the gap between the industrial and academic sectors by providing participants with technical experience, critical thinking, knowledge and advanced skills to help keep pace with the fourth industrial revolution (4IR).

The inaugural ceremony included the signing of various cooperation protocols between the industrial and academic sectors. The step aims at boosting plans to link the industrial and academic sectors and training students of private higher education institutions.

As many as 500 students compete to join the one-year programme, which sees the participation of 25 institutions and more than 40 incubators from the industrial and private sectors.

Graduates of the 3rd batch of the programme showcased their accomplished projects during the training period.

The ceremony was held under the auspices of Dr.Rahma Ibrahim Al Mahrouqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It was attended by Dr.Ali Masoud Al Sunaidy, Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ), and officials from universities and private colleges.

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