Friends of Museums Membership: A Chance to Explore Oman’s Cultural and Historical Heritage

Muscat: Membership of the Friends of Oman Museums` offers an opportunity to delve into the cultural and historical heritage of the Sultanate of Oman.

Offered by the Friends of the Museum Department and the Community Outreach at the National Museum, this membership provides visitors, researchers, and academics with a continuous and permanent access to Oman’s cultural and historical legacy. It also comes with various other privileges from participating institutions, including the Royal Opera House Muscat, the museums under the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism such as the Natural History Museum and the Omani-French Museum, along with the Children’s Museum under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth. Lastly, the membership includes the History of Science Centre at the German University of Technology in Oman.

Members of Friends of Oman Museums` enjoy free entry to the Museums in the Sultanate of Oman throughout the year, as well as free entry for one accompanying guest to both the National Museum and the History of Science Centre. For the museums under the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, the benefits are applicable on Saturdays only.

Members are also invited to attend various special events, official exhibition openings, exclusive value-added programs, participation in special family workshops, and temporary exhibitions organized by the museums. Additionally, the membership offers discounted rates of RO 2 for guided tours and exhibitions organized by the Royal Opera House Muscat and the House of Musical Arts. Participants also have the opportunity to explore the Museum’s galleries during the pre-opening hours before the general public opening timings.

Samia Mubarak Al Qasabi, Head of the Friends of Museums and Community Outreach Department at the National Museum, stated, “The Friends Oman Museums` membership card aims to enhance the cultural role of museums, providing a unique and enriching experience for the members. The National Museum, represented by the Friends of Museums and Community Outreach Department, handles membership requests, card issuance, and the planning and accomplishment of special programs and events. We look forward to welcoming most of the cultural institutions, historical sites, and entities under the umbrella of the National Museum. This will provide even more diverse discounts, covering preservation and conservation facilities and other services.”

On her turn, Dr. Asia Nasser Al Bu’ali, a member of Friends of Oman Museums`, said, “The concept of the membership is constructive and pioneering. It broadens the member’s understanding of the Museum, strengthening the relationship as it stands as a prominent symbol in the Sultanate of Oman. The Museum goes beyond the traditional role of a repository, transforming into a dynamic hub of education through diverse exhibitions, workshops, and events. These activities provide brief, concise information about the exhibits, enhancing the bond between the member and the Museum.” – ONA

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