GCC Ministerial Council Welcomes Efforts of Oman, Saudi Arabia to Revive Yemeni Political Process

Riyadh: The GCC Ministerial Council has welcomed the efforts made by the Sultanate of Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to revive the political process in Yemen, paving the way for a comprehensive and lasting solution.

At its 156th session meeting held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Riyadh, the GCC Ministerial Council also valued existing contacts with all Yemeni parties, the outcome of the meetings that took place in Sanaa between 8 to 13 April 2023, as well as the ensuing positive atmosphere that prevailed later. The council hoped that such steps will lead to action to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people, as well as a cease-fire.

This was reported in a statement issued at the meeting, which was chaired by Oman’s Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi.

Sayyid Badr underscored the GCC’s firm determination to pursue the process of integration between its member states through more coordination in all fields, with the prime aim of realizing the aspirations of GCC citizens.

The Ministerial Council also welcomed the outcome of the ministerial meeting of the International Coalition to Defeat ISIS (Daesh). Held in Riyadh on 8 June, the meeting reiterated the commitment of the GCC countries to continue their efforts, from within the Coalition, and to support international and regional efforts against all terrorist organizations.

In addition, the Ministerial Council welcomed the outcome of the Gulf-European Conference on Combating Extremist Ideology. The conference was held at the headquarters of the Secretariat General of the Cooperation Council on 6 and 7 June 2023.

The GCC Ministerial Council took note of the outcome of a workshop organized on 29 May by Qatar on Islamophobia in the world. The Council laid emphasis on tolerance and coexistence as key principles and values that constitute the right basis for relations among nations and peoples.

Commenting on the Palestinian cause, the GCC Ministerial Council affirmed its steadfast positions on supporting the sovereignty of the Palestinian people over all the Palestinian territories occupied since June 1967. It also voiced its unequivocal support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

With regard to relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the GCC Ministerial Council underlined the decisions of the GCC Supreme Council at its 43rd session held in December 2022, as well as solid foundations set for consolidating relations with Iran, notably by fully adhering to the principles of good neighborliness and mutual respect.

The GCC Ministerial Council affirmed its firm stands and decisions made with regard to Iraq. It reiterated its support for existing efforts that are exerted to combat terrorism and achieve security and stability in Iraq. The Council also stressed the importance of preserving the integrity and territorial integrity of Iraq, its full sovereignty and the intactness of its Arab and Islamic identity.

The Ministerial Council also affirmed its permanent stance on preserving the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. It expressed deep respect for the country’s independence and sovereignty over its lands and rejected regional interference in its internal affairs. In this context, the GCC Ministerial Council voiced its full support for a political solution to the Syrian crisis in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.

About Lebanon, the Ministerial Council also expressed the GCC’s firm positions in support of Lebanon’s sovereignty, security and stability. It extended its moral support to the Lebanese Armed Forces that protect the country’s borders and resist the threats of extremist and terrorist groups.

Regarding Sudan, the Ministerial Council affirmed the GCC positions and decisions for preserving Sudan’s security, safety and stability. It also affirmed its keenness on the intactness of Sudan’s institutions. It expressed its solidarity with Sudan vis-à-vis the developments and repercussions of the current crisis. In this context, the GCC Ministerial Council urged all to exercise restraint and self-control.

The GCC Ministerial Council hailed the outcome of a meeting on GCC-Egypt partnership. It stressed the significance of the meeting held on 5 June and underlined the need to pursue the course of integration between the two sides in all fields. – ONA

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