Gulf Forum for Blind launched in Dhofar

Salalah: The Gulf Forum for the Blind was launched today under the slogan “Autumn Forum for the Blind,” and it will continue until August 10.

His Highness Sayyid Marwan bin Turki Al Said, Governor of Dhofar, the sponsor of the occasion, said in a statement: The Gulf Forum for the Blind is an opportunity to shed light on this group in society and stand on the goals achieved, and the support provided to them by society, institutions and individuals. Pointing out the importance of supporting this category, involving it and integrating it with the various segments of society.

For his part, Awad bin Rajab Bait Sharubah, President of the Al-Noor Association for the Blind in Dhofar Governorate, said: The association has sought, since its establishment, for the blind to be integrated with the various segments of society through rehabilitation, training and education through registration in various colleges and universities.

In the speech of the association, he pointed to the importance of the forum in consolidating relations between the participating members of the Gulf associations, and providing an opportunity for the blind to highlight their talents, creativity and personal experiences in challenging disability. The opening included a visual presentation of the association, its activities, and the services it provides to its members in Dhofar Governorate.

It should be noted that the forum, which will be held at the Salalah Hilton Complex, will include a number of lectures, workshops, cultural competitions, a poetry evening performed by a number of poets from the province, and tours to the most prominent heritage and tourist sites in the Dhofar Governorate.

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