H H Sayyid Fahd Receives ISESCO Director General

Muscat: On behalf of His Majesty the Sultan, HH Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers received today Dr. Salim Mohammed Al Malik, Director General of the Islamic Educational ,Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).

After welcoming the guest and his accompanying delegation, HH Sayyid Fahd expressed Oman’s appreciation for the efforts of ISESCO to upgrade the level of international cooperation in the fields of education, culture, information, human and social sciences, as well as its role in realizing coordination and harmony among countries of the Islamic world. HH Sayyid Fahd also highlighted Oman’s continuous support for the organization in carrying out its duties.

Then, HH Sayyid Fahd reviewed the march of the sustainable development in the country. He affirmed that the government attaches great attention to education, science and technology, considering them as key pillars for development.

On his turn, ISESCO Director General expressed his appreciation for the achievements made by Oman. He lauded Oman’s constructive role in supporting ISESCO. He also commended the role of Oman, represented by Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science (ONCECS), in promoting dialogue among civilizations and encouraging cultural rapprochement.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Madiha Ahmed Al Shaibani, Minister of Education, Chairperson of ONCECS and Amna Salim Al Balushi, ONCECS Secretary General. It was also attended by Ambassador Khaled Fateh Al Rahman, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue at ISESCO and Dr. Salim bin Hilal Al Habsi, Director of Programs of the National Committees at ISESCO. -ONA

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