Heritage Village at Sohar Festival witnesses increase in Visitors 

Sohar: The Heritage Village of the Sohar Festival witnesses interaction and richness in Omani folklore and heritage performances through 23 corners that include activities for various environments in the Al Batinah North Governorate, its arts and popular songs, which are held in the Sohar Entertainment Center.

Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Sulaiman Al Shehhi, Director General of Development for the North and South Al Batinah Governorates and head of the committee supervising the activities of the heritage village at the Sohar Festival, explained to Oman News Agency (ONA) that the heritage village, with its programs and activities, came to suit different age groups, pointing out that the estimated statistics estimate the number of visitors to the village until yesterday, nearly 82,000 visitors.

He added: The organizing committee has prepared an interesting daily program that starts from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm, over a period of 30 days, of fun, entertainment, culture, literature, poetry, competitions and various exhibitions.

The heritage village includes sub-villages represented in the coastal, Bedouin, urban and agricultural villages, among the beautiful sites that the visitor will enjoy in the heritage village. Eleven teams of literary, poetic and youth committees and cultural councils from North Al Batinah Governorate participate in reviving cultural and literary evenings and events. The Heritage Village Council every night of the festival to present individual arts and talents.

Al-Shehhi mentioned that the activities of the heritage village vary in other accompanying activities represented in the enthusiastic tour competition, folk arts and talents, as well as entertainment, literary and cultural events, poetry evenings, raffles, daily prizes and questions for the public. Omani productive families, exhibitions of craft tools, spinning and weaving, traditional Omani daggers, a museum, and an exhibition of coins and postage stamps.

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