HH Sayyid Bilarab Chairs 4th Meeting of Omani Startups’ Supervisory Committee

Muscat: HH Sayyid Bilarab bin Haitham Al Said, Honorary President of the Promising Omani Startups Programme, today chaired the 4th meeting of the Supervisory Committee of the Omani Promising Startups Programme 2023.

The meeting was held in the presence of representatives of government departments who are members of the programme’s Supervisory Committee, as well as representatives of startup companies.

The meeting discussed progress reports about the programme’s initiatives aimed at enhancing the march of startups and entrepreneurs. It also looked into ways to enhance partnership with Oman Airports Company with a view to allocating spaces for startups and entrepreneurs. The designated spaces are envisaged to serve as smart business centres that keep pace with the entrepreneurs’ aspirations to engage in technology and innovation.

The committee reviewed a map of the startups system that monitors basic challenges and comprises elements needed during the stages of establishment and growth. These include the development of skills and capabilities, higher education and research, financing and investment, legislation and laws, private sector support and the development of technical environment.

The meeting also discussed a progress report on an analytical study on the startup system in Oman. The study, conducted by Startup Genome Foundation, seeks to draft recommendations and initiatives to implement the system. The Foundation organized interviews and meetings with owners of some Omani startup companies, decision makers in the institutions that support the entrepreneurship system. The study came up with proposals, recommendations and initiatives that encourage the establishment of startups whose realization requires the combined efforts of all partners of the system.

On the sidelines of the meeting, an innovation centre was opened at Oman Airports Company, with the prime aim of empowering innovative ideas for startup companies and attracting investors. The facility will showcase the experience of technical companies in digital applications, provide platforms to display the latest technologies and build effective links, besides serving as a link between startups and established technology companies. – ONA

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