His Majesty the Sultan Gives Audience to Chairman, Members of Shura Council Office

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik gave an audience to the Chairman and members of the Shura Council Office at Al Barakah Palace today.

Upon the start of the meeting, His Majesty the Sultan gave thanks and praise to the Almighty Allah for the great blessings He bestowed on this dear country. He prayed to the Almighty to perpetuate the divine gifts on Oman and its people and guide the people to find the best way to fulfil their aspirations, asking Allah the Almighty to provide Omani people with abundant means of realizing a brighter future.

His Majesty the Sultan spoke about a number of topics of relevance to realizing the desired goals of the country and citizens, within the context of state’s approaches and its future policies.

His Majesty the Sultan commended the role of the Shura Council and its members in achieving the goals entrusted to them, notably by supporting the efforts made in implementing development plans and programmes and realizing growth, in accordance with the priorities of each stage, as they act as partners in the comprehensive domestic development process.

In view of ongoing preparations to hold municipal council elections on 25 December 2022, His Majesty the Sultan touched on the powers entrusted to the members of the municipal councils. His Majesty instructed members of the Shura Council to focus on the powers granted to them by virtue of Oman Council Law and observe the significance of integration between the roles of Shura and municipal councils, to avoid any duplication or clash between the functions of the two institutions.

At the conclusion of the meeting, His Majesty the Sultan laid emphasis on the need to prioritize the interest of the nation above all other considerations, by strengthening partnership and integration between the Council of Ministers and the Council of Oman, to serve the overall public interest.

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