Housing Ministry announces investment opportunities for agricultural projects in Al Buraimi

Al Buraimi: The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning announced the offering of 8 investment opportunities for agricultural projects in Al Buraimi Governorate through the Tatweer platform.

The Ministry explained that the total area of ​​the investment projects amounts to 324,850 thousand square meters, which are a potato cultivation and production project, a garlic cultivation and production project, a grape cultivation and production project, a vegetable cultivation and production project in greenhouses, a project for cultivation and production of leafy vegetable crops, and a project for cultivation and production of maize. And a fig and lemon cultivation project.

Eng. Haider bin Abdul Hadi Al Lawati, Director General of the General Directorate of Housing and Urban Planning in Al Buraimi Governorate, said: The sites proposed for investment were among 40 agricultural sites that were carefully identified, in coordination with the General Directorate of Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources in Al Buraimi Governorate, taking into account the suitability of the soil, the abundance of water, and its proximity to Services, especially roads and electricity, in 20 locations in the Wilayat of Mahdha and 20 locations in the Wilayat of Sunaina.

He added that the area of ​​each site ranges from 10 to 20 acres, in addition to specifying some sites with an area of ​​100 acres or more, depending on the need and nature of the project, stressing that the type of project was determined by the Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources, taking into account and meeting the needs of the local market.

He explained that government support consisted of coordination with various relevant authorities to overcome the obstacles facing the investor, whether in terms of providing services or providing the necessary materials, in addition to the fact that some major projects obtained an exemption from fees for a period of 3 years.

He pointed out that the implementation of the aforementioned agricultural projects came in line with the objectives set in the urban strategy of Al Buraimi Governorate by embracing innovative green economy projects.

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