Hydrom releases the “Request for Proposal” for first Green Hydrogen Projects in Oman

Muscat, Oman – 20 December 2022: Hydrogen Oman SPC (Hydrom) has released the Request for Proposals (RFP) to qualified applicants for the first round of its public auction process to award large-scale integrated green hydrogen projects to developers. Oman aims to award the first land blocks in 2023 in order to meet its 2030 production target of at least 1 million tons of green hydrogen per annum.

The release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) constitutes a key milestone in the auction that started on the 6 th of November 2022 with the release of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Qualified applicants will now have two months to prepare and submit their bids, which will then be evaluated by Hydrom with the goal of awarding a first project by Q1 2023.

Since the launch of the bid round, Hydrom has received very positive feedback from the market on the steps Oman is taking to accelerate the development of its green hydrogen economy. This was reflected in more than 180 registrations, and more than 50 applicants granted access to RFQ, till date and the numbers keep on progressing forward.

Green hydrogen constitutes a strategic opportunity for the country to ensure its energy security and diversify its economy while supporting the decarbonization efforts of hard-to- abate sectors both in Oman and around the world. Oman is blessed with abundant renewables resources, positioning it as one of the most attractive locations on earth to produce green hydrogen competitively and at large-scale

Hydrom is a fully owned subsidiary of Energy Development Oman SAOC (EDO) and is regulated by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM). Hydrom’s mandate includes the delineation of Government-owned land areas and structuring of associated large-scale green hydrogen projects, managing the process for their allocation to developers, facilitating the development of common infrastructure and connected ecosystem industries and hubs, as well as promoting investment opportunities in this promising sector, and facilitating investment-related processes.    (press release)

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