ILO Official Affirms SPL is Bold Reform Responding to Omani Society Needs

Muscat: Peter Rademaker, Deputy Regional Director for Arab Countries at the International Labour Organization (ILO), reaffirmed that the Social Protection Law is “a bold reform” that responds to the needs of the Omani society

The new system is in line with the standards of the ILO, he added.

In a statement to Oman News Agency (ONA), he said that the scheme provides greater protection for various segments of society, which covers the elderly, people with disabilities, and others.

He added that the social protection system will have a positive impact on the labour market, by giving workers a clearer picture of the benefits they will receive, which will help them better determine their job choices.

He pointed out that these remarkable reforms allow Oman to provide the necessary protection for workers in light of diverse challenges they may face in their lives, which will increase their contribution to the promotion and development of the economy.

He pointed out that the social protection system, in light of the current global conditions of soaring inflation and other challenges, will increase the cohesion and competitiveness of Omani society.

The Deputy Regional Director for Arab Countries at the ILO further said that the organization provided support through its specialists on various aspects of the social protection system, such as allocating benefits against costs, economic modelling, and keeping pace with international standards while taking into account the local context.  – ONA

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