ILO praises Oman’s new social protection law

Geneva: The International Labor Organization (ILO) commended the ambitious reforms in radically reshaping the social protection landscape in the Sultanate of Oman and was officially launched by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, by Royal Decree No. (52/2023) on the Social Protection Law.

In its report, the organization said that this newly adopted legislation, developed with the support of the International Labor Organization, radically reshapes the social protection system in the Sultanate of Oman and represents the culmination of an ambitious reform process led by Tawazun, the high-level gov’t programme for fiscal balance (now Estidamah), which aim to achieve fiscal balance and its sustainability.

The organization added that cooperation between the Social Protection Fund and the International Labor Organization identifies the key aspects of the reform trajectory and highlights its main achievements, which include: a sustainable mode for social protection financing that integrates resources from social contributions and general revenues to ensure solidarity and fairness, and also contributes substantively to poverty, vulnerability and inequality reduction.

The development of a comprehensive and adequate social protection system that integrates contributing and non-contributory instruments to address lifecycle risks and vulnerabilities in an effective manner, leaving no-one behind

The integrated and cost efficient institutional and organizational framework for social protection benefits administration and management.

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