Implementation of 7 road projects in Duqm

Duqm Special Economic Zone continues to implement 7 of the main infrastructure projects related to the road sector, of which 5 projects are under implementation.

These projects are represented in the first and second phases of the duplication of the National Road (32), the duplication of Sultan Said bin Taimur Road, the construction of the internal road network in the commercial district of Besai, and the road linking Duqm Airport and Ras Markaz with a length of 51 km, in addition to two projects under award, which are implementation The road network in light and medium industries, and the development of the coastal road.

Eng. Saif bin Nasser Al Busaidi, Director of the Projects Department at the Duqm Development Company, explained that these projects come within the framework of improving and rehabilitating the road network in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm to keep pace with current and future investments, as the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones has assigned 5 projects to construct dual roads with a total length of up to 100 km, in addition to two projects in the awarding phase.

In a statement to Oman News Agency, he said: The Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones is constructing an internal road network with standard specifications in the commercial district of Besai, a project to double the national road (phase one and phase two), in addition to Sultan Saeed bin Taimur Road and a project to double the road from Duqm Airport. To Ras Markaz, 51 kilometers long.

He added that with the completion of the implementation of road projects, they will provide a strong basic environment that keeps pace with the investments to be established in the region, which will facilitate traffic movement and the movement of goods to and from the Special Economic Zone at Duqm.

He stressed that the road projects in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm will develop land transport services and link the region with vital and tourism services and projects, which will enhance the economic movement of the production and service sectors in the region.

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