In a first, Ibri hospital uses 3D printing for jaw reconstruction

In a first time, Ibri Hospital in Oman uses 3D printing technology to design a reconstructive bone plate to support the lower jaw of a patient after removing a tumor from him.

The operation was performed by Dr. Helal Al-Ismaily with the assistance of Dr. Thomas Varghese and a team of assistants.

Dr. Hilal bin Zaher Al Ismaili (senior specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery), who indicated that the operation option came after the patient noticed a swelling on the left side of his lower jaw, which prompted him to make a diagnosis, and after taking a sample of the tumor, it turned out to be a tumor Ameloblastoma.

He added, “Due to the large size of the tumor, and the possibility of the lower jaw being fractured in the event of the tumor being removed, it was decided to support the jaw with a restorative bone plate to protect it from fracture.”

The doctor mentioned: The traditional method in such cases is to form the plate during the surgery, and this step may take more than an hour of the operation time; However, we thought that we should seek the help of the private sector to manufacture a model of the lower jaw, and design the plate on it before the date of the operation.

This method ensures that the plate is ready before the date of the operation, shortens at least an hour of the operation, and provides the amount of anesthetics needed during this period, in addition to ensuring the accuracy of forming the plate, he added. 

He also indicated that the plate remains until the next step of treatment, by implanting bone in the jaw and then replacing the missing teeth with dental implants.

The doctor stated that the operation to remove the tumor took more than 3 hours, and was initially crowned with success, stressing that this type of operation is performed in several hospitals in the Sultanate, but it is performed for the first time in the Ibri reference hospital.

In conclusion, the doctor thanked, through “Atheer”, the operation’s staff, which consisted of: Dr. Thomas Varghese (dental specialist), Dr. Muhammad El-Sherbiny (anaesthesia specialist), Abdulaziz Al-Farsi (dental assistant), Abeer Al-Muqbaliya (dental assistant), Nurse Alia Al-Maamari, and Nurse Reno Anthony

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