India’s National Security Advisor visits Special Economic Zone at Duqm

Duqm: India’s National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, and his accompanying delegation visited the Special Economic Zone of Duqm today.

During the visit, His Excellency the guest and his accompanying delegation listened to a full explanation about the region and its strategic location, a large multi-purpose port, a large dry dock for ship repair, an airport and modern and developed facilities, in addition to various investment projects and possible facilities and advantages for investors, such as the possibility of 100 percent ownership for the investor. foreigners, exemption from customs taxes, exemption from income tax, usufruct rights to land for long periods of time, at promotional prices with preferential grace periods, and others.

The guest, accompanied by His Excellency Engineer Ahmed bin Hassan Al-Dheeb, Vice President of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones, and His Excellency Pinkj Khimji, Advisor to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, toured some of the region’s facilities and facilities.

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