Investments in Oman’s Sur Industrial City reaches RO 2.3 billion

Sur: Sur Industrial City witnessed remarkable growth during the period from last January to this June, as 8 projects were localized in it, with an investment volume of more than RO 30 million.

Focus has been placed on attracting value-added projects that supply the local market and projects of a sustainable nature, and are in line with the trend towards the blue economy of the Al Sharqiyah Governorate on the one hand, and the contribution to the transfer of technology to the Sultanate of Oman on the other hand, as the work sectors for localized projects are represented in the manufacture of generators, turbines and furniture, perfumes, aluminum, shipbuilding, fish freezing, fodder and supporting projects.

Eng. Abdul Qadir bin Salem Al Balushi, Director General of Sur Industrial City, explained that the industrial city currently includes a number of major projects. Such as the liquefied natural gas project, the chemical fertilizer project, and a number of small and medium projects in various sectors, in addition to a number of support service projects.

In a statement to Oman News Agency, he said that the number of localized projects in Sur Industrial City reached 127 projects with an investment size of RO 2.3 billion, which contributed to the employment of about 1,514 people from the national workforce out of a total of 2,656 workers, indicating that the total area of ​​the city is 36 million square meters. , of which 23 million square meters is leasable area.

He indicated that Sur Industrial City is characterized by a waterfront of 8 kilometers overlooking the Arabian Sea and the Sea of ​​Oman, explaining that one of the most important strategic projects currently being worked on is the Sur Port project, which will contribute to opening up great horizons to attract investments in the industrial city and provide job opportunities, and coordination and work continues with The project developer to finalize the contract approval phase.

He stressed that Sur Industrial City seeks to raise the efficiency of basic services, as it has completed the development of two million square meters, including roads, water and sewage networks, and work is underway to implement a wastewater treatment plant at a cost of about OMR 950,000, and work is underway on a project to improve the water level. Drainage of rainwater and valley crossings inside the industrial city, at a cost of 350,000 OMR.

Engineer Abdul Qadir bin Salem Al Balushi said that work is underway to implement the first phase of the green belt project at a cost of RO 250,000, which includes afforestation works, green areas, walking paths and other facilities, as this project will contribute to achieving environmental balance within the industrial city.

Regarding the security system, he added that work is underway to implement the first phase of the security system, which includes the rehabilitation of the security fence, and work is underway to prepare the tender documents for the second phase to include the installation of surveillance cameras and the processing of the control room, stressing that Tire Industrial City continues to improve the investment environment, as work is underway.

A number of investment opportunities will be prepared and will be offered to the private sector during the coming period, which will provide a number of support services and involve the private sector in development.

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