Irish writer Lynch wins 2023 Booker Prize for ‘Prophet Song’

London: Irish writer Paul Lynch won the British Booker Prize for his novel “Prophet’s Song” during a ceremony held yesterday evening in London.

“Prophet Song” deals with the dark and painful story of a mother in Ireland descending into a tyrannical regime. It is the fifth novel by Paul Lynch, who was nominated for the first time for this prestigious literary award.

Paul Lynch, born in Limerick in 1977 and residing in Dublin, is the fifth Irishman to win the Booker Prize. His novels include Beyond the Sea and Grace.

In this regard, the Canadian novelist who chaired the judging panel, Esi Edogyan, affirmed that “Prophet Song’s novel embodies the social and political concerns of our time,” noting that readers will find it poignant and real, and the warnings contained in it will remain firmly in their minds.

It is worth noting that the Booker Prize is considered one of the most prominent literary awards in the world and is awarded for works of fiction in the English language. The winner receives 50 thousand pounds sterling (about 63 thousand dollars), in addition to a strong morale boost that enhances his literary career.

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