Khareef 2023 receives over 396,000 visitors until 31 July


Salalah: The number of visitors to Khareef Dhofar season (monsoon) from 21 June to 31 July 2023 stood at 396,108, posting an increase of 12.8 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2022.

This was unveiled by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI), whose figures put the visitors in three categories: Omani visitors, GCC visitors and tourists belonging to other nationalities.

According to the NCSI, the number of Omani visitors to Khareef Dhofar during the abovementioned period grew by 13% to 296,135.

As many as 59,555 visitors from other GCC states showed up at Khareef Dhofar season this year, compared to 52,807 during the corresponding period in 2022.

The number of visitors belonging to other nationalities rose from 35,874 to 40,418 this season, said the NCSI.

A summary of data issued by the NCSI indicates that 305,350 visitors arrived via land checkpoints, while the number of air travelers who arrived in Dhofar stood at 90,758 visitors, registering an increase of 16% over the figures of this segment last year.

Month-wise, 95% of the monsoon season visitors arrived in July (375,362), while 20,746 visitors arrived in the governorate between 21 and 30 June. – ONA

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