Khareef 2023: Traffic Awareness Campaign begins in Salalah

Salalah: The Royal Oman Police, represented by the General Traffic Department and the Dhofar Governorate Police Command, inaugurated today the activities of the traffic exhibition, which comes as part of the traffic awareness campaign for visitors to Dhofar Fall 2023 under the slogan “Slow down”.

The exhibition, which lasts for 5 days, includes several corners and sections, such as: the corner of the National Committee for Road Safety, and the corner of the Traffic Safety Institutes of the Royal Oman Police, which aim to train and qualify policemen and road users in the field of traffic safety.

During the exhibition, a set of educational visual presentations about traffic control, which has proven effective in reducing the rate of road deaths and injuries, will also be presented during the exhibition, with a review of statistics on the rates of traffic accidents in the Sultanate of Oman during the years 2012-2022, as well as an introduction to electronic services and the smart traffic patrol.

On the sidelines of the opening of the irrigated exhibition, the “Vigilant Traffic Thought” competition was launched in its seventh edition, which aims to provide information and instill traffic culture among road users. The opening of the traffic exhibition, which is held in the commercial complex “Salalah Gardens Mall”, was sponsored by His Excellency Dr. Ahmed bin Mohsen Al Ghassani, Head of Dhofar Municipality.

It is worth noting that the traffic awareness campaign for visitors to the Dhofar Fall for the year 2023 includes the holding of traffic competitions and educational recreational activities for children in the Awqad Public Park in Salalah, in addition to the implementation of awareness lectures.

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