Knowledge creativity requires keeping pace with global developments: Minister

Muscat:  Dr. Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrouqi, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, stressed that access to knowledge creativity requires a quality higher education system that keeps pace with global developments in knowledge and renewable technology, with a focus on scientific research and innovation, which is supported by Oman Vision 2040.

This came during Her Excellency’s hosting of the talk show “With the Youth” on the Sultanate of Oman TV, where she explained that the Ministry is working to review the study programs offered by private higher education institutions before offering them, and studies their suitability for the labor market and is keen not to repeat a specific specialization in a specific area in order to avoid to accumulate specific disciplines.

Her Excellency indicated that the Ministry is working on several programs and initiatives to enhance the quality of education through field visits to higher education institutions and continuous evaluation of their work.

Her Excellency said that the distribution of scholarships to private higher education institutions depends on several bases, including the institutions’ commitment to quality standards and their activities in scientific research and innovation, and that scientific research be part of the quality of education.

Her Excellency indicated that the Ministry has two programs to support emerging companies in the field of innovation and work on their success to ensure their access to the world. Concerned with innovation, it will be launched before the end of next year.

Her Excellency said that the percentage of spending on scientific research in the Sultanate of Oman increased during the current year by 0.4 percent compared to last year, when it was 0.24 percent of the country’s national income, and was represented by the addition of research centers to this system.

With regard to the postgraduate program, Her Excellency explained that the program was not offered for one year only, but for years, and it was suspended for a whole year to evaluate its outputs, and the Ministry obtained a supreme approval from His Majesty the Sultan, may God protect and preserve him, to resume it after re-planning for next year.

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