Launch of second Shababeek Independent Film Festival in Oman

The Shababeek Independent Film Festival, in its second session, was launched at the headquarters of the Omani Film and Theater Association, under the slogan “Start Your Story”, which aims to encourage filmmakers to make their films according to their own ideas, visions and available capabilities.

The ceremony was attended by a number of artists and those interested in cinema in the Sultanate of Oman, in addition to the festival’s guests, Dr. Hessa Al-Mulla from Kuwait and the screenwriter Hassan Dahshan from Egypt.

During the ceremony, the film The Hole, directed by Ali Bazzi from Lebanon, a documentary film titled The Maker of Dreams, directed by Abdallah Mansour Bagraf from Algeria, and an animated film Offline, directed by Nihad Rahmani from Tunisia, were shown.

After that, there was a critical session for the fraudulent films presented by Dr. Hessa Al-Mulla.

The activities of the festival continue with the screening of a group of independent films, which are Dreams Without a Ceiling, directed by Mohamed Allal from Algeria, Ghayyat al-Men, directed by Mohamed Ismail from Egypt, Cages, directed by Hussein al-Akeli from Iraq, Walls You Will Remember Me, directed by Hisham Abdel Khaleq from Egypt, and Circle, directed by Muhammad al-Ajmi from the Sultanate of Oman. And the movie Bridge, directed by Shawki Bukaf from Algeria, and the movie Our Roots, directed by Mustafa Al-Badan from Palestine, and the movie Until My Last Heartbeats, directed by Rasha Hashem from Yemen, and the movie Shereen, directed by Zaid Shukr from Iraq, and the movie Shoemaker Paradise, directed by Haider Hussein Talib from Iraq, after which a dialogue session will be held with the journalist Dr. Hessa Al-Mulla From Kuwait.

It is worth noting that the screenwriting workshop, presented by the screenwriter Hassan Al-Dahshan from Egypt, started as part of the festival’s programmes

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