LuLu Exchange opens 282nd global branch at Salalah

This is the company’s 40th branch in Oman

Oman: LuLu Exchange, the leading financial services provider in the Sultanate of Oman, opened its 40th branch in the country at Salalah Sanaiya on Wednesday.

Offering cross-border payments, foreign currency exchange and other value added services, the branch was inaugurated in a hybrid event in the presence of Mr. Adeeb Ahamed, Managing Director, LuLu Financial Holdings, Sheikh Mohammed Hamed Ali Al Ghazali, Director, LuLu Exchange, and other senior management joining from various parts of the world.

The new branch also marks the 282nd Global Branch of LuLu Financial Holdings.

Mr. Adeeb Ahamed, Managing Director of LuLu Financial Holdings congratulated the team on the opening, saying, “As a company that has embraced digital payments while simultaneously growing our physical footprint, we are committed to the development and growth of Oman’s cross-border payments sector. The addition of our new branch in Salalah is strategically positioned to bring our services within convenient reach of our valued consumers in the region. Our primary objective is to deliver exceptional service, and this branch has been thoughtfully positioned to effectively cater to our customers’ payment requirements while facilitating their smooth transition to digital solutions.”

LuLu Exchange presently provides cross-border payments, currency exchange and value-added services in a timely, transparent and reliable manner through its network of branches and mobile payments app, LuLu Money.

About LuLu Exchange

Having commenced operations in 2011, LuLu Exchange is among the leading and most trustworthy financial service providers in Oman. The company is a part of LuLu Financial Holdings – a global financial services conglomerate based in Abu Dhabi.

LuLu Exchange has strategic partnerships with global payment networks with direct online remittance arrangements to countries in the MENA, Indian sub-continent and APAC markets. The company’s mobile app LuLu Money, is a highly rated payments app in the country, enjoying a double-digit growth month-on-month.

For more details, visit

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