Madayn Completes Phases 3, 4 of Development Works in Nizwa Industrial City

Nizwa: The Public Establishment for Industrial Estates “Madayn” has completed the implementation of Phases 3 and 4 of development works in Nizwa Industrial City, and is now gearing up to float a tender for the consultancy services project for Phase 5, covering an estimated area of 4 million sqm.

Ahmed Salim Al Hajri, Director General of Nizwa Industrial City, said that development works of Phases 3 and 4 were assigned to a local company in May 2020 as the total cost exceeded RO 5 million.

“The project included the construction of a 6.3-km internal roads, a paved pedestrian walkway along the roadsides, installation of 205 LED lighting poles, and the implementation of control and monitoring system at the industrial city’s entrances and internal roads,” Al Hajri pointed out.

He added, “The project also included two security guard rooms at the entrances, rainwater drainage channel, a 5.9-km irrigation network, an underground water tank, sewage and water networks, and fire-fighting system. Additionally, truck parking areas were created at the industrial city’s entrance, comprising more than 90 parking spaces and covering a total area of 13,000 sqm, which will serve investors and cargo owners around the clock.”

Al Hajri emphasized that this project represents the commitment of Madayn towards supporting the growth of industrial cities and providing essential infrastructure services to attract both local and international investors. “By doing so, Madayn aims to further strengthen the contribution of these industrial cities to the in-country value in alignment with the priorities set forth in Oman Vision 2040,” he added.

The total area of Nizwa Industrial City has touched 7.2 million sqm after Madayn has obtained an expansion approval during the second half of 2022. The industrial city is home to 155 projects representing manufacturing, service and commercial sectors, recording investments exceeding RO 480 million. The workforce in the industrial city has reached 6,150, with an Omanisation rate of 45%.

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