Madayn signs agreement with Oman tower company to build mosaic towers

Muscat: Madayn has inked an agreement with Oman Towers to build mosaic towers across the industrial cities, as the first tower will be constructed at the Knowledge Oasis Muscat.

This agreement embodies Madayn’s efforts to bolster telecom infrastructure and enhance network coverage in its industrial cities. This was signed by Eng. Dawood Al Hadabi, CEO of Madayn, and Eng. Majid Al Kharoosi, Managing Director at Oman Towers.

This agreement is a continuation of Madayn’s efforts to provide the necessary infrastructure for communications in Knowledge Oasis Muscat, and to enhance the coverage of the mobile communications network or any other wireless services in its various industrial cities.

The agreement also comes as a continuation of the efforts of the Omani Towers Company to search for innovative solutions for communication towers to suit the aesthetics and urban patterns of cities, and keep pace with modernity in design, taking into account the technical aspects of these towers, which will provide sufficient capacity for all telecom service operators to install devices with various technologies of the fourth and fifth generation. Or Internet of Things technologies or the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

These towers will be prominent landmarks in the locations where they will be built in Knowledge Oasis Muscat. The tower is 40 meters tall and surmounted by some logos and images with a digital screen 15 meters high and 3 meters wide that is used for digital advertisements with a digital clock in the center of the tower, in addition to placing logos of companies operating in Knowledge Oasis Muscat in a designated part of the tower structure.

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