Mahas Industrial City in Khasab Attracts Investments Worth Over RO 41.9mn

Khasab: The volume of investment at Mahas Industrial City in the Wilayat of Khasab, Governorate of Musandam, during the first half of 2024 stood at more than RO 41.9 million, posting an increase of 2.05 percent compared to investments in the city during the corresponding period last year. The rate of business in the city was augmented through the localization of projects in various sectors, including electrical industries, warehouses and logistics, engineering and technical services.

More than 90% of the project to construct roads and lay down pillars of infrastructure at Mahas Industrial City was completed at a total cost of nearly RO 5 million.

Mubarak Salim Al Ghailani, Acting Director General of Mahas Industrial City, said that the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (Madayn) embarked on the implementation of another project to establish 10 ready-made model factories on an area of 500 square metres. The project comprises a full range of services, administrative offices, loading and unloading areas, parking lots and green spaces, he added.

Al Ghailani pointed out that “Madayn” accords great attention to initiatives for supporting entrepreneurs, developing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and supporting national industries and Omani products. Towards this end, many business works and projects have been awarded to various contracting, construction and supply companies in Musandam Governorate, said Al Ghailani. He added that the tasks were awarded by the main contractor for the road construction and infrastructure project in Mahas Industrial City. The total value of those works stood at more than RO 1.3 million, he observed.

Al Ghailani explained that Mahas Industrial City took the lead by awarding 11 tenders to SMEs in the governorate. The tenders, he said, covered technical services, electrical works, consulting, contracting, supply, shipping, general maintenance, among other tasks. – ONA

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