Marafiq invests more than $600 million in Duqm, completes integrated electricity and water station

Duqm: “Marafiq” Company implements; -One of the companies of the OQ Group, affiliated with the Oman Investment Authority – has implemented a number of projects in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm as part of agreements signed over the past years with the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones, the Public Services Regulatory Authority, and Nama Group. With the aim of providing all types of industrial services to projects in the region, as part of joint efforts to enhance the investment environment in Duqm.

Eng. Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hashemi, Executive Director of “Marafiq” Company, confirmed that the company has invested more than $ 600 US dollars in Duqm so far, explaining that “Marafiq” has completed the completion of the integrated electricity and water station that provides electrical energy to the Duqm Refinery and the Omani Tank Company “OTCO”, which It operates an oil storage station in Ras Markaz.

The company also implemented an 80-megawatt electricity production station serving the Duqm Special Economic Zone, stressing that this project is part of the company’s commitment to sustainable projects.

He told the Oman News Agency that the station, which serves the Duqm Special Economic Zone, contributed to significantly reducing carbon emissions and providing more reliable electricity services than before. He added that Marafiq Company also manages the drinking water sector in the Duqm Special Economic Zone by operating a drinking water desalination plant. The company has also expanded the water network to serve residential, commercial and tourist neighborhoods and other investment areas, noting that the length of the pipelines that transport water in the region is about 50 km, while the length of the water distribution network pipes is more than 131 km.

He pointed out that “Marafiq” Company is currently constructing a line linking the main tanks to the fishing port and the fish industries area, after it had recently completed a number of projects to expand the water network in the region. The company also recently completed a project to connect the Vulcan Green Iron Company to the water network, which is the first. A project of its kind to connect an under-construction project to the water network in the Duqm Special Economic Zone.

Eng. Abdullah Al Hashemi confirmed that the company contributed approximately 56 million US dollars in local value added through the integrated electricity and water plant, and also contributed another 10 million US dollars in value added projects for the drinking water sector. He praised the company’s efforts in the field of Omanisation and training, and said that “Marafiq” is constantly working to implement training programs for Omani youth to hone their potential and enable them to manage the company’s business with all efficiency and mastery.

He explained that the company has trained 60 Omani youth in various technical and technical fields and has attracted a large number. Of these to work in the integrated power and water plant, the company also developed a training program coupled with employment for the people of Duqm.

In the field of social responsibility, Eng.Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hashemi said that Marafiq, in cooperation with the German University in Oman (GUTech), implemented a training program for school students in the Duqm Special Economic Zone, which was implemented in the United Kingdom last summer. It also provided other programs to a number of schools in Region.

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