Masirah Recognized as 1st Healthy Island in Eastern Mediterranean

Masirah: The Ministry of Health today celebrated Masirah Island obtaining a certificate of International Recognition from the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the First Healthy Island in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Abdulhamid Ali Al Abri, Deputy Wali of Masirah and Head of the Executive Office of Masirah Healthy Island said that the ‘Masirah Healthy Island’ project is a unique model regionally and globally despite various challenges, such as the large number of evaluation standards that include the Island’s area, population and distances separating residential communities.

The certificate handing over ceremony was held under the patronage of Hilal Ali Al Sabti, Minister of Health, with the presence of Dr. Fatma Mohammed Al Ajmi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Administrative, Financial and Planning Affairs and Dr. Yahiya Badr Malik Al Ma’awali, Governor of South Al Sharqiyah. The event was also attended by several Walis, members of the Shura Council and officials from the Ministry of Health.

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