Medical team at Khoula Hospital succeeds in urgent surgical intervention for a critical case in Sohar

Muscat: A specialized medical team from Khoula Hospital, in cooperation with the Department of Orthopedic at Sohar Hospital in North Al Batinah Governorate, succeeded in an urgent medical intervention that took 4 hours for a patient suffering from a complex fracture of the spine and a rupture of the spinal cord following a traffic accident.

The patient’s condition required an urgent surgery that required the presence of the specialized team from Khoula Hospital late last Saturday night, during the surgery, the patient’s complex fracture was fixed, and other fractures were treated. The operation was successful, and her health condition stabilized.

Dr. Mohammed bin Nasser bin Al Kindi, senior specialist in orthopedic surgery at Sohar Hospital, said that a 21-year-old woman who was involved in a traffic accident last Friday night was found to have a complex fracture in the spine with damage to the spinal cord, in addition to a fracture in the right femur that required urgent surgical intervention.

He added that the operation was performed by a team consisting of Dr. Sultan Al-Kalbani and Dr. Walid Al-Kalbani from Khoula Hospital in cooperation with Dr. Muhammad Al-Kindi and Dr. Kiran Fajr from Sohar Hospital, and the operation took about 4 hours.

He stressed that conducting such operations reinforces the decentralization policy pursued by the Ministry of Health to distribute health services outside Muscat Governorate, especially for cases that require urgent intervention.

He pointed out the importance of having the necessary tools and equipment and the presence of trained staff to deal with such surgical cases in district hospitals. The therapeutic response, in which a specialized medical team participated, came from the Department of Orthopedics at Khoula Hospital and the Department of Orthopedics from Sohar Hospital. In support of the decentralization policy implemented by the Ministry of Health.

The health system in the Sultanate of Oman aims to ensure the provision of comprehensive, integrated health care to the entire population in a fair and accessible manner by meeting the urgent need by providing the services that citizens need, whether in the Muscat Governorate or the various governorates by responding to the call of duty from the medical staff for cases that need urgent intervention.

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