Medical team performs endoscopic surgery for the first time in Sohar Hospital

The first ERCP was performed in Sohar Hospital by a specialized medical team, which is an important medical development at the hospital level after the introduction of this type of new service. in various governorates.

Dr. Khaled Al-Shamousi, a consultant of gastroenterology and advanced endoscopy at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, who performed the bile duct operation, accompanied by a specialized team at Sohar Hospital, confirmed that conducting such an operation comes within the framework of the policy of transferring treatment expertise to the governorates. In order to provide advanced health care in local places instead of transferring patients to Muscat Governorate.

He explained that the process is an important step in achieving the vision of the Sultanate of Oman to expand the scope of advanced health care and make it available to all citizens, which reflects the commitment to improving the quality of life and health care throughout the country, noting that this new system provides comfort and safety for patients who can now access this. Services close to their homes.

It is worth noting that ERCP is an advanced diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that allows doctors to examine the bile ducts and pancreas. This procedure is mainly used to diagnose and treat liver, gallbladder, and pancreas problems. A thin, flexible tube equipped with a small camera is inserted through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach to access these ducts.

For his part, Dr. Hatem bin Diab bin Yaqoub Al-Saadi, Acting Director of Sohar Hospital, said: Yesterday, Sohar Hospital witnessed the inauguration of biliary tract endoscopy services, as these advanced endoscopes allow diagnosis in addition to therapeutic interventions.

He added: Biliary endoscopes work to examine and diagnose the bile ducts, and often when the patient complains of pain, after which it becomes clear that there is a blockage in the bile ducts, and if this blockage appears, the doctor can treat the matter by removing the causes of the blockage, whether they are stones or other tumors that must be removed, or To expand the bile ducts in case the diagnosis showed a narrowing.

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