Members of Main Committee of Oman’s Municipal Council Elections Visit Emergency Chamber

Muscat: Eng. Khalid Hilal Al Busaidi, Chairman of the Main Committee of Municipal Councils Third Term Membership Elections, and Dr. Ali Amer Al Shidhani, Head of the Elections’ Technical Committee, visited the emergency chamber set up in partnership with Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel).

Al Busaidi and Al Shidhani listened to a briefing about the functions of the chamber, manned by 300 employees who operate from different wilayats and governorates of Oman. The two took note of the chamber’s tasks and commended the efforts exerted by its members, who monitor the electoral process round the clock.

Eng. Talal Said Al Maamari, CEO of Omantel, hailed the e-voting experience, which he described as a fruitful outcome of the government’s efforts to expand the base of society’s participation in decision-making.

Al Maamri pointed out that electronic voting constitutes an excellent example of public-private collaboration in saving time and effort through the application of technical solutions. It is a step forward in digital transition, said Al Maamari, adding that all indicators point to the fact that the electoral process is progressing as planned.

Al Maamari said that the emergency chamber has branches in each governorate, as well as field teams that keep monitoring the election process. No grievances were reported, except that some voters needed to have their phones recognize and support the e-election application “Antakhib”, he explained. – ONA

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