MHT organizes the Oman Associations Day event

Muscat: The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism today organized “Omani Associations Day” event with participation of different professional associations.

The event was organized under the patronage of Azzan Qassim Al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism for Tourism. The event aimed at contributing to enhancing the local society of associations, developing cooperation, and exchanging knowledge between them.

This is due to its vital role in strengthening the events industry and promoting the Sultanate of Oman as a hub for the activities of associations, as well as exchanging knowledge, communication and collaboration with international associations.

Khalid Al Zedjali, Director of Oman Office of Conference at the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, stated, “By organizing this event, we aimed at exploring the various means in which the local associations can further improve their operations, strengthen member services and make a more impactful contribution to their industries and communities by leveraging the valuable insights with best practices for international associations. Further, there were also many key areas where local associations can benefit from the experience and expertise of their international counterparts”.

Al Zedjali added that it is important for the local associations to maintain the strong bonds with the international networks, to participate in conferences and events and to search proactively for learning and cooperation opportunities with their international peers. By doing so, local associations can improve their performance and create value addition to their members and stakeholders. The event included three different sessions. The first session “Building Resilient Communities” explored the vital role that ICCA (the International Congress and Convention Association) played in promoting resilience within communities and highlighting the strength and potential of associations in leading positive change and supporting society development. The second session included presentations presented by international associations about their best practices.

Local associations had the opportunity to learn from these presentations, gain insights about successful strategies and methods implemented by associations. The session aimed at inspiring and providing local associations with practical ideas that can be applied to their associations and promote growth and success in their respective fields.

The third session “Building Bridges” examined the importance of hosting international conferences and the possible benefits to be achieved by involving the local associations in international meetings and to raise awareness in the local community through presenting successful case studies and exchanging ideas with industry experts.

The workshop aimed at highlighting the economic, social, and cultural advantages that came with attracting and organizing the international meetings and to gain a deeper understanding of the positive impact that international meetings can have on the local community. -ONA

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