Midday work ban in Oman: Up to OMR 500 fine for violating firms

construction workers
construction workers

Muscat: Companies violating the mid-day work rule at construction sites or open places throughout the months of June, July and August from 12:30 pm until 3:30 pm, will be imposed a fine up to OMR500, and imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or one of these two penalties.

Eng. Zakaria Al-Saadi said that the Ministry of Labour has taken a set of precautionary measures to protect workers in extreme environments, and there are procedures related to certain activities, such as at the construction sites at which work should be stopped according to Article 16 of Ministerial Resolution No. 286.

The Article 16 stipulates that work at construction sites or open places shall be suspended from 12:30 pm until 3:30 pm throughout the months of June, July and August of each year, in addition to the necessity of providing water, air-conditioned restrooms, and the work of a system of shifts and rotation among workers.

He said that the Ministry of Labour has a work plan and a team to monitor the implementation of the requirements stipulated in the laws regarding working hours during the summer months, and there will be field visits to construction sites on a daily basis and in various governorates.

He added that in the event of violation by companies discovered, Article No. 118 bis of the Labour Law will be applied, which stipulates that the financial fine may reach OMR500, and imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or one of these two penalties, and the penalty will double with the repetition of the violation.

Eng. Zakaria called on citizens to report if they see violation during the summer months via the Ministry of Labour website or the Ministry’s official accounts on social networking sites or via the hotline (80077000) and there will be a work team to follow up on all reports violations by visiting the work sites of construction companies.

On the other hand, the second edition of the Heat Stress Forum was launched under the auspices of Sheikh Nasr bin Amer Al Hosani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour for Labour and in cooperation with the Oman Energy Society (OPAL).

This comes as part of the Ministry of Labour’s efforts to raise awareness of the importance of taking necessary measures to avoid the effects of high temperatures at workplaces and the risks that workers may be exposed to during the summer period.

He added that the forum brought together specialists from the Ministry with occupational safety experts and managers in the private sector to discuss laws of the Ministry of Labour, identify issues of heat stress, and benefit from the expertise of companies in the field of occupational safety.

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