Middle East Aviation Security Group Begins Third Meeting in Muscat

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman is hosting the third meeting of the Middle East Aviation Security Group, which kicked off in Muscat today in cooperation with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The opening ceremony was held under the auspices of Eng. Nayef Ali Al Abri, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Al Abri affirmed Oman’s keenness to continue cooperation with ICAO members to overcome all future challenges in the international civil aviation sector and forge harmonious methods between countries to enhance aviation security.

Meanwhile,Eng. Mohamed Abubaker Farea, ICAO Regional Director, Middle East Office, said that the meeting will coordinate efforts to upgrade the standards of the civil aviation sector in the Middle East.

“The meeting constitutes an opportunity to discuss key challenges facing this vital sector and consider the best ways to enhance cooperation frameworks and coordinate efforts to promote the civil aviation sector in the Middle East region,” Farea added.

Attended by experts and specialists in the field of aviation security, the meeting seeks to establish a regional cooperation framework to limit the associated risks and foster initiatives that keep pace with the international plan of the ICAO.

The meeting also aims to develop and update the Middle East’s civil aviation security facilitation plan, promote related accomplishments and prioritize countries’ needs in relation to the aviation security and facilitation programme. This covers establishing capacity-building projects and coordinating necessary assistance activities with the countries concerned.

Oman will present 6 working papers at the meeting. The papers will deliver the findings and views of security experts at the national and operational levels, specialists in the Civil Aviation Authority and the General Administration of Airports Security, airport and aircraft operators, and ground service providers.

The sessions of the meeting include nearly 30 working papers related to the international and regional civil aviation system and ways to keep abreast of developments in the field of aviation. The papers will highlight measures to utilize all capacities and capabilities to face challenges to maintain security and safety of air transport. – ONA

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