Military Technical College begins admission procedures for new students for Academic Year 2023/2024

Muscat: The Military Technical College started admission procedures for new students for the academic year 2023/2024, in coordination with the Unified Admission Center, the direct admission system, in addition to the teaching and training system associated with employment, in coordination with the Ministry of Labor.

The admission procedures included receiving the required documents and opening an electronic file for the student, in addition to students taking a placement test in the English language, in addition to a number of other procedures. The years of study at the Military Technical College include the foundation year during which the student studies the English language, mathematics and computer, and then the student moves on to study in various engineering programs with practical application in laboratories and specialized workshops, and as a result, students will be distributed to specialized programs according to the student’s desire or the requirements of the entity. to which it will belong later.

Staff Colonel Joy Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Kindi, Assistant Dean of the Military Technical College for Finance and Support Services, said: The Military Technical College seeks to provide an integrated educational environment that matches the level of its scientific and technical readiness by aligning scientific and academic development, to integrate theoretical study with practical training.

The college has a training program that enables its graduates to join the career path in the future, armed with scientific and practical knowledge.

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