Ministry floated tender for Implementation of Remaining Parts of Adam-Haima-Thumrait Dual Carriageway

Muscat: Acting in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, the Secretariat General of the Tender Board today floated tenders for the implementation of the three remaining parts of Adam-Haima-Thumrait dual-carriageway—a stretch of 400 kilometres that begins in the Wilayat of Haima and ends in the Wilayat of Thumrait.

The Tender Board’s Secretariat General pointed out that the three parts (Parts 3, 4 and 5) were exclusively floated for local companies specialized in implementing infrastructure projects in Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) through a joint Omani-Saudi consortium.

Eng. Said Hamoud Al Ma’awali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, said that the execution of the project through consortium enhances the existing Omani-Saudi strategic partnership. The project provides new opportunities for the private sector in both countries, consolidates bilateral cooperation and helps exchanging expertise in the field, he added.

The carriageway, which totals an overall length of 717.5 kilometres, figures among the government’s strategic projects, said the minister. He noted that the ministry completed 280 km of the dual-carriageway from the Wilayat of Adam in A’Dakhiliyah Governorate and to Um Al Zamayem in Al Wusta Governorate.

“The remaining section of this part of the carriageway will be re-floated shortly. It extends 37.5 kilometres to the centre of the Wilayat of Haima, and it will constitute the completing section of the Adam-Haima road,” the minister explained.

The three remaining parts of the third part of the Adam-Haima-Thumrait dual-carriageway are distributed as follows:

Part Three (132.5 km) starts in the Wilayat of Haima and ends in the Wilayat of Maqshan. It includes the construction of safe entry and exit conduits to and from the adjoining areas, as well as 16 detour lanes. This is in addition to an intersection for the Wilayat of Maqshan and 19 side parking lots.

Part Four (135 km) begins in the Wilayat of Maqshan and passes through Qatbait to Dokah. It includes the construction of safe entry and exit conduits to and from the adjoining areas, 14 detour lanes and 27 side parking lots.

Part Five (132.7 km), it starts from Dokah and ends in the Wilayat of Thumrait. It includes safe entry and exit conduits to the adjoining areas, 20 detour lanes and 16 side parking lots.

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