Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth honors outstanding performers in sports field

Muscat: The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth celebrated today the honoring of outstanding performers in the sports field for the year 2022 AD, under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Hilal bin Ali Al Sabti, Minister of Health.

The Ministry honored athletes who achieved advanced positions and sporting achievements, from which they won gold, silver and bronze medals in international forums. A number of sports federations and committees, as well as the technical and administrative staff, were also honored. The honor included 293 athletes, 9 sports federations, and 10 sports committees who achieved 196 gold and silver medals. and bronze.

Hisham bin Juma Al-Sanani, Director General of Sports Welfare and Development at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, said in the ministry’s speech: Celebrating the honoring of the excellent and accomplished in the sports field for the year 2022 in return for the achievements made is the result of the tireless work of the sports federations and committees and the administrative and technical cadres of the various national teams.

He added that the Ministry was keen to support the efforts of sports bodies in providing an enabling environment for the athletes of this country, which was emphasized in the axes and pillars of the Omani sports strategy in terms of interest in the system of preparing athletes, and harnessing all possibilities to improve their level of performance in external participations.

Al-Sanani explained that the ministry launched a number of projects and programs during the past period that contribute to the advancement of Omani sports. Supporting and sponsoring promising athletes, developing national technical cadres, the electronic platform to follow up on sports performance).

The ceremony also included a visual show showing the achievements of the athletes in various championships at the global, continental and Arab levels, in addition to the West Asian Championships and regional championships.

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